Sweets Workshop Valencia-Batake

We are selling sweets made from local fresh fruits such as citrus fruits, and you can also have experiences of making sweets (need a reservation.)
Where is it located?
Inside agricultural Accommodation Akizuno Garten
〒646-0001 4558-8 Kamiakizu Tanabe, Wakayama
Akizuno Garten Sweets Workshop Valencia-Batake
TEL 0739-35-1187 FAX0739-35-1192Open:am 11:00〜pm 4:00
Regular Holiday : on Tuesdays
(If Tuesday is a holiday, Wednesday on the same week will be off-day instead.)
Information & Topics
What’s Valencia-Batake?
◆The closest sweets shop to Mikan fields.
Great to eat! Sweets eating in the courtyard of Akizuno Garten makes it taste all the better.
Excellent to make! Making sweets in the old schoolhouse reminds you a home economics class.
Please visit here with your friends.
So fun! So beloved!

Please visit us after having lunch in farmer’s restaurant; Mikan-Batake and/or farmer’s market; Kitera, or just visit us. We are waiting for you with sweets made from fresh fruits harvested in the country of Akizuno.
It is a small shop, but our dream is big!! We work dough every day, so please feel free to talk to us. We will try hard and make our region more energetic.
[Making sweets experience needs a reservation ahead. Please call us at 0739-35-1187]